Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
The LLP|360 identifies performance around fundamental people, task and leadership-related skills. Based on 360° feedback, the Profile provides a gap analysis of the extent to which the leader should and does demonstrate the key behaviours. Used to support leadership development, coaching and performance management, the Profile starts a conversation around priorities and allow a realignment of expectations.
An Overview of the LLP
The Linking Leader Profile Questionnaire (LLPQ) is ideal for team leaders and addresses all three sets of Linking Skills.
Ideally profile questionnaires are completed by:
- The self
- Direct reports
- Peers
- Management
Respondents assess the extent to which the Linking Skill should occur, and the importance of the particular skill. The rater is then asked to assess the individual in terms of what actually does occur. The Linking Leader Profiles assess the gap between what should occur and what does occur and is reported in terms of satisfaction rates.
A graphical colored summary of the importance and satisfaction rates is presented for each Linking Skill, along with key text advice generated from the response by the raters to each question.
A quantitative report offers a detailed analysis of each Linking Skill, enabling the individual to develop focused action-plans to improve Linking.
People Linking Skills
People Linking skills need to be implemented as part of the workplace behavior of the team leader and all team members, if a team is to be high-performing.
Active Listening - Linkers listen before deciding
Communication - Linkers keep team members up to date on a regular basis
Team Relationships - Linkers encourage respect, understanding, and trust among team members
Problem Solving and Counseling - Linkers are available and responsive to people's problems
Participative Decision Making - Linkers involve team members in the problem solving of key issues
Interface Management - Linkers coordinate and represent team members
Task Linking Skills
Inside the People Linking Skills are the five Task Linking Skills. These are essential to the key tasks of the leader and the more senior team members.
Objectives Setting - Linkers set achievable targets with the team but always press them for improved performance
Quality Standards - Linkers set an example and agree on high quality work standards with the team
Work Allocation - Linkers allocate work to people based on their capabilities and preferences
Team Development - Linkers develop balance in their team
Delegation - Linkers delegate work when it is not essential to do it themselves
Leadership Linking Skills
At the core of the Linking Leader Model are the two Leadership Linking Skills of Motivation and Strategy. Unless the leader has these skills and makes them part of their daily behavior then the team is unlikely to reach its full potential.
Motivation - Linkers inspire others to give their best
Strategy - Linkers devise effective action plans to achieve goals
10 | Linking Leader Profile (LLP) Accreditation
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Webinar | AEST , AU | More about Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
25 | Linking Leader Profile (LLP) Accreditation
Webinar | AEST , AU | More about Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
26 | Linking Leader Profile Accreditation
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23 | Linking Leader Profile (LLP) Accreditation
Webinar | AEST , AU | More about Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)
05 | Linking Leader Profile (LLP) Accreditation
Webinar | AEST , AU | More about Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)