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Lifting Performance to the Next Level

A new level of leadership was required to address internal dysfunction, improve customer experience and drive greater growth and profitability.

A tailored leadership development process using the Team Management Profile (TMP) and Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360) was used to positively resolve dysfunctional team relationships, strengthen leadership skills, and build confidence through teamwork to lead the business to the next level.


Tensions between sales and technical teams led to escalating conflict which negatively affected people in these critical, customer facing teams. Knock-on effects to others included marketing, warehousing and business services. Significant frustration for the CEO who was frequently called to intervene between warring tribes.

This situation highlighted real deficiencies in leadership capabilities. Problems between managers were spilling over into their teams and getting in the way of the leadership team operating effectively for whole of business benefits.

Faced with demands that some managers ‘must go’ but recognising their value, the CEO needed a solution to resolve these issues and to enable managers to take the business forward.


We designed a 12-month program run with 3 objectives:

  1. Build leadership capability – individuals and the management team

  2. Achieve a cohesive management team with a clear purpose and expectations

  3. Role modelling from leaders to enhance customer value, common Company values, teamwork and a positive workplace culture for all.

The carefully structured programme involved:

  • Team development – workshops using the Team Management Profile were conducted to upskill all staff throughout the business. It provided valued professional development and focused all on the shared value of teamwork.

  • A customer survey - conducted independently gave rich insight into customer experience and informed a gap analysis both of what was working and to tightly target improvement efforts. This objective input disrupted ‘he said’, ‘she said’ anecdotal feedback that leaders had been reacting to, fuelling conflict and undermining trust.
  • Leadership workshops – conducted after the TMP workshops to analyse the current situation including customer feedback, clarify expectations, review Company values and culture, and clarify the role of leaders in carrying the business forward and how they would proceed working together.

  • Individualised development for leaders – using the Linking Leader Profile (360-degree) which led to development plans tailored to individual strengths and weaknesses. We started with the CEO.

  • Updated Performance and Development process - incorporating expectations for leaders who are now assessed on their

"I have become a better leader, achieving better outcomes with others."


  • Better communication within and between teams with a greater appreciation and respect for each other. Managers were empowered to run follow up workshops with teams referencing TMPs.

  • A renewed management group working together to develop the business, with a common approach. They engaged a new approach to solve business problems and new team protocols.

  • Leadership development with more awareness of individual behaviour and impacts on others, more emotional intelligence, and recognition of leadership requirements.

  • Enhanced staff engagement, reduced conflict and staff appreciation of the professional development investment. Reduced interpersonal conflict and more constructive and meaningful problem solving across teams with leaders collaborating and showing the way.

The CEO has endorsed the continued use of Team Management Profile (TMP) and Linking Leader Profiles (LLP|360) to extend to new staff and new leaders as a continuing business process. We will continue to work in a coaching capacity with the CEO and leaders to support new behaviours and practices.


The CEO is very enthusiastic and has said he wishes we started this process earlier – it has exceeded his expectations.