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Find an Associate Clare Edwards
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  • TMS Profile Debriefs
  • Leadership Development
  • Team Development
  • Change Readiness and Resilience
  • Unconscious Bias


  • Leadership
  • Coaching
  • Team Development
  • Programme Facilitation


  • Team Management Profile (TMP)
  • Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile

Clare Edwards


Clare Edwards worked at senior management level in hospitality and global information technology companies for 16 years before transitioning full time into people development. Her passion for building high performing teams was rewarded when she was awarded global team manager of the year at a McGraw Hill company.

Clare has consulted to organisations in Australia, SE Asia, USA, UK and Europe. Since studying the Neuroscience of Leadership and Change, Clare brings in relevant aspects of neuroscience to help people understand why they behave and react the way they do, offering them the closest thing to a manual for the mind. An intuitive ability to sense challenges and opportunities in inter-team dynamics, to help organisations create or enhance their culture and to facilitate sustainable change through people are Clare’s particular strengths.  


"Clare worked with our team in Corporate Governance extensively and facilitated the Team Management Profile for us on a number of occasions. Her depth of insight into uncovering the differing personality dynamics and guiding us to a common understanding lead to us becoming more cohesive, empathic and productive as a team."

- Sunshine Coast Council

Clare travels from Sydney, NSW and is available to partner with organisations across Australia and throughout Asia Pacific.