TMS LeftTri Image WorkWithTMS DarkGREEN v2


  • Leadership Development Programmes
  • Accreditation in Team Management Systems' profiles
  • One-on-one coaching
  • Group Facilitation
  • Team half and full days
  • Experiential learning


  • Leadership
  • Coaching
  • Team Development
  • Programme Facilitation


  • Team Management Profile (TMP)
  • Opportunities-Obstacles Quotient (QO2) Profile
  • Window On Work Values (WoWV) Profile

Ethan Dunn


Ethan delivers both team and individual development programmes. He also facilitates workshops on leadership training and 360° feedback processes. He has completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and is accredited in the Team Management System.

Before joining Team Management Services, Ethan worked in teaching, caregiving, hospitality and film. This diverse work background has allowed him to accumulate a range of useful skills that he uses within his work. These skills include the training of new team members to support employee growth and development, health and safety, and facilitating.

Since being with Team Management Services, he has successfully facilitated many workshops both in New Zealand and overseas. Including workshops in Australia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Netherlands and the United States. His style has been described as personable and energetic while being passionate for individual, team and organisational growth.


Ethan is available to partner with organisations from New Zealand.

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