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Sam Bowtell

Sam Bowtell


  • Team Development & Facilitation
  • One on one Coaching
  • Certified Scrum Trainer
  • Team Development for Not-For-Profit Organisations


  • Career Planning
  • Team Building
  • Coaching
  • Team Development


  • Team Management Profile (TMP)
  • Linking Leader Profile (LLP|360)

Sam Bowtell


Sam has been a people leader for over 25 years with a strong focus on leading teams to high performance. Since discovering TMS close to 15 years ago, Sam has been an avid user of the Profiles ever since. 

Sam recently started his own consulting and training business focusing on Scrum and Agile training. He is a Certified Scrum Trainer for the Scrum Alliance, which requires facilitation and training skills at the highest level globally.

Sam has worked with TMS to provide workshops for not-for-profit organisations through The Happiness Project, most recently working with teams at OzHarvest. Sam is passionate about working with not-for-profits to assist with creating high-performing teams.


"I have described the [TMS Workshop] experience to friends as really positive. An opportunity to learn and grow as a team as well as an opportunity to learn of some strengths and skills that I may not have otherwise known I possess. The [facilitation] team brought such a wealth of experience and familiarity that it allowed us to speak openly and honestly and put us on a path to resolve some problems that may be stopping us from realising our full potential as individuals, teams and the organisation as a whole."

- Leader, OzHarvest 

Sam travels from Sydney, NSW and is available to partner with organisations across Australia.

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